Norwich Crown Point - 30 May 1987


03084, 03089, 03112, 03158, 03189, 03197, 03397, 03399, 08869, 08956,
20030, 31411, 37116, 45104, 47582, 47622, 50023, 56065, 58020, 73118,
86220, 97707, 97708, 55016, 43108


1697, 1870, 3149, 3175, 3177, 3251, 5087, 5385, 5722, 9479, 10520, 80324, 84036
92213, ADB975091, ZDB975403, ADB975751, ADB975752, ADB975758, ADB975762,
ADB975766, ADB975770, ADB975928, DB977337, DB977339, DB977387, DB977388,
DB977390, DB999550, 99080, 99335, DB999666, 041317
30(53359,54122), 84(54083,51209), 103 (51508, 59118,53330), 150124,
306017, 309616, 312712, 4732, 2090

BRopendays website © 2007+
BR Open Days has dates stock and observations from British Rail depot open days including diesels steam rolling stock as provided by a variety of sources.