Derby - 30 August 1975


08014 08037 08043 08045 08074 08179 08182 08187 08283? 08302 08337 08351 08374 08673 08691 08748 08803 08807 08815 08832 08839 08841 08842 08899
24052 24065 24083 24086
25006 25045 25103 25064 25155
45017 45027 45029 45035 45036 45042 45044 45054 45058 45062 45072 45075 45104 45110 45113 45138 45139
46002 46007 46016 46017 46018 46033

46203 LMS ‘Princess Margaret Rose’

BRopendays website © 2007+
BR Open Days has dates stock and observations from British Rail depot open days including diesels steam rolling stock as provided by a variety of sources.